The subsequent biographical details are mainly taken from Hoimar von Ditfurth's books
Innenansichten eines Artgenossen and Das Gespräch. Some details have been researched by me from other sources. See German Biographie page for more information. |
You find photographs of his different life phases under the topic Bildergalerie  |
Family |
Hoimar Gerhard Friedrich Ernst von Ditfurth was born on October 15, 1921 in Berlin
(Charlottenburg). He originated from the family of the national conservative Prussian cavalry captain (Rittmeister) and later classical teacher Hans-Otto von Ditfurth. |
Until his first day in school in Potsdam, Hoimar von Ditfurth lived in Berlin and Lensahn. |
1949 he married Heilwig von Raven. |
Together they had four children: Jutta (*1951), Wolf-Christian (*1953), Donata-Friederike
(*1956) and York-Alexander (*1957). |
The von Ditfurth family (f.l.t.r): Son Christian, daughter Jutta,
Heilwig von Ditfurth, Hoimar von Ditfurth, Son York, daughter Donata. |
Hoimar von Ditfurth died on November 1, 1989 in Freiburg/Breisgau of a thymom (cancer of the
thymus gland). He is buried in Staufen. |
Education |
1939 Hoimar von Ditfurth graduated from the Viktoria-Gymnasium (college) in Potsdam.
Afterwards he studied medicine, psychology and philosophy at the universities of Berlin and Hamburg, where he attained his Ph.D. in medicine in July 1946. |
Profession |
Between 1948 and 1960 Hoimar von Ditfurth worked at the university hospital in Würzburg (in the
end as senior physician). 1959 he qualified himself as a university lecturer there and became outside lecturer for psychiatry and neurology. 1967 and 1968 he was appointed associate professor of the medical faculty at the universities of
Würzburg and Heidelberg. |
1960 Hoimar von Ditfurth took a job in the pharmaceutical company C. F. Boehringer in Mannheim,
where he managed the "Psycho Lab" being responsible for the development and clinical testing of psycho drugs. |
Although Hoimar von Ditfurth was offered a position in the board of executives, he left
Boehringer in 1969 ("...I don't want to sacrifice my intellectual independence...") and became a freelance lecturer, publisher, author and one of the most distinctive science journalists in Germany. |
Publishing Activities |
Hoimar von Ditfurth's popularity in Germany is based on numerous articles in newspapers, radio
broadcasts (between 1963 and 1983), and TV shows (between 1971 and 1983) with various popular scientific subjects. |
1970 his first book, Children of the Universe (= Kinder des Weltalls), was published.
This and his following books made him the most competent and best selling scientific writer in Germany - about a million copies of his paperbacks alone were sold in German speaking countries. Many of his books were translated into other
languages. |
His most popular books |
Year |
Title (flag symbol indicates the availability of an english translation) |
Children of the Universe Kinder des Weltalls about the cosmic evolution (see jacket blurb on this page of this website)
Im Anfang war der Wasserstoff
(In the beginning was hydrogen) about the evolution of the matter |
Zusammenhänge (Connections) thoughts about a scientific view of the world |
Dimensionen des Lebens - Co-author: Volker Arzt (Dimensions of Life) selected subjects from his tv series Querschnitte |
Der Geist fiel nicht vom Himmel
(The mind did not come out of the blue skies) about the evolution of the human mind |
Querschnitt - Dimensionen des Lebens II - Co-author: Volker Arzt (Cross-Sections - Dimensions of Life II) selected subjects from his tv series
Querschnitte |
Origins of Life - Evolution as Creation Wir sind nicht nur von dieser Welt (We are not only of this world) about the relationship between science and religion
(see jacket blurb and comments on this page of this website)
So laßt uns denn ein Apfelbäumchen pflanzen (And now, let's plant a little apple tree) an analytic view of the problems of the world |
Unbegreifliche Realität
(Incredible reality) sampler containing miscellaneous articles |
Innenansichten eines Artgenossen
(Reflections by a member of the species) his autobiography |
Das Gespräch (The conversation) his last tv interview |
Unpublished Works |
Year |
Title |
Das Erbe des Neandertalers (Neanderthal man's heritage) sampler containing miscellaneous articles |
Die Sterne leuchten, auch wenn wir sie nicht sehen
(Stars shine even if we don't see them)
sampler containing miscellaneous articles |
Die Wirklichkeit des Homo sapiens (The reality of the homo sapiens) sampler containing miscellaneous articles |
See German Bücher page for more details about his publications. |
He also was editor and publisher of miscellaneous scientific magazines, publications and
samplers (e. g. Mannheimer Forum) to which many famous national and international scientists provided contributions. |
Between 1971 and 1983 Hoimar von Ditfurth hosted the popular TV science show Querschnitte
(= cross-sections) in which he showed his extraordinary talent to make complex scientific contents understandable to a broad audience. |
One of his major targets always was to position natural science equally besides arts science
which he thought is overrated in the western cultural society. |
He was also a committed and eloquent fighter against all kinds of superstition and obscure
"pseudo science". |
An essential part of his life works was the fight against an anthropocentric attitude and
against a pure creationistic view of the world. |
Ecological Engagement |
Starting in the late 70s, Hoimar von Ditfurth concentrated more and more on ecological subjects.
He became a critic of the western "credo in progress and economical growth". Even though he proclaimed that mankind would destroy itself by environmental pollution and destruction, overpopulation and (nuclear) armament, he never was a
fatalist. He always maintained his hope and true humanistic approach. |
Hoimar von Ditfurth was a committed pacifist. |
In the 80s he supported the German Green Party during their election campaigns, but without
getting involved in political activism and always keeping a critical distance to extreme ideological positions. |
Awards and Prizes |
Hoimar von Ditfurth was a member of the German PEN-Center
and holder of numerous national and international awards and prizes (see German Biographie page for more details). |
1980 he received the UNESCO Kalinga-Prize for his lifetime achievements as author and publisher. |
Web sites in English |
Alien Abduction Experience and Research
Book Review: Children of the Universe |
Theology Today
Book Review: The Origins of Life: Evolution as Creation |
World Mysteries
Explore lost civilizations, ancient ruins, sacred writings, unexplained artifacts, and science mysteries. Introduced are subject matter experts, books, and
resources on the Internet. |
Biographical details about Hoimar von Ditfurth on that website are provided by me (same as on this page). |